TDL Energie GmbH delivers further reverse osmosis plants to the UK and Ireland

References Großbritannien

TDL Energie GmbH has just built another reverse osmosis (RO) plant for a landfill site that is located in the vicinity of Edinburgh (UK): the reverse osmosis plant technology by TDL Energie GmbH ensures that the customer will meet the legal requirements for the purification of waste water from slag treatment.

Another RO plant by TDL Energie GmbH will be delivered to a site that is located near Dublin, Ireland, in the following weeks and will be put into operation in April. In accordance with the regulations by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the RO plant will ensure the reliable and safe treatment of wastewater on site.

TDL Energie GmbH has developed a special concept for both RO plants that enables the processing of sewage in the way, that it can be discharged into natural water bodies after being treated.

The scope of both orders includes the design, manufacture, delivery and on-site commissioning by the expert team of TDL Energie GmbH, as well as subsequent maintenance services for both RO plants during operation.