TDL Energie GmbH - Anlage vor Ort

Retrofitting of existing plants

In many cases, the retrofitting of existing systems is recommended rather than designing a completely new plant in order to upgrade components with the latest technology. 

By investing into a modern and easy-to-operate technology only once, costs for design services are reduced. 

There are a lot of advantages for retrofitting an existing plant. We will be happy to assist you with the preparation of the corresponding analyses.


An example for retrofitting is the upgrading of conventional biological wastewater treatment facilities with secondary treatment tanks by adding an ultrafiltration plant:

By implementing the membrane technology, the concentration of bacterial mass can be increased, so that the throughput rate of the plant rises by approx. 50 % without the further need of any additional modifications. The adaption of existing basins or tanks is in most cases not necessary (cost-saving).

At the same time, the membrane technology can be used to provide the fundamental basis for future requirements, e. g. the installation of a 4th treatment stage.

If retrofitting the plant is no longer profitable for ecological or economic reasons, it would be necessary to ensure that no untreated water will enter the environment during the dismantling phase. For these applications, the rental of mobile units would be a suitable alternative. 

Further information on the required process technology can be found here: containerised reverse osmosis 

Based on your requirements on the type of plant and the individual type of water to be treated, TDL Energie GmbH can offer you complete, customised  packages, including water analyses, the development of pilot plants, retrofitting of existing plants and plant operation.


Advantages of retrofitting:

  • Our services: Design, construction, operation, maintenance & services, supply of spare parts
  • Extending service by, for example, ensuring supply of spare parts
  • Increasing the flow rate
  • Improving the discharge quality in accordance with the corresponding legal requirements
  • Increasing the efficiency of the plant by saving energy costs and operating resources.
  • Integrating the existing technology into the new technical environment, e.g. Industry 4.0